Sunday, May 12, 2019

How To Fix Brother Printer Offline | Call Us: (+1) 8884800288

Printer offline status on Windows means that the system failed to communicate with the connected printer. Some time it happen due to poor configurations, faulty drivers, or plenty of print jobs pending in the print queue. Many people complain that their Brother Printer Keeps Going Offline on Windows 7, and that can be due to many causes. So we have to start troubleshooting the error from the scratch.
Make Sure the Print Connections is Fine
On the first step, ensure that USB cable used to connect the printer to the PC is not loose or damaged. If required, then replace the USB cable. And try to unplug the USB cable and reboot the computer and the printer. Connected the printer to a working wall socket or power strip to dismissal both possibilities. If it is a wireless printer, then you should restart the Wi-Fi router since that may also cause network failures making the Brother Printer Goes Offline.
Install Latest Printer Drivers:
If the printer driver is out of dated or is incompatible with your Windows version, then you may have to download and re-install the latest update of the driver from the printer manufacturer website. So check that before you proceed to the next troubleshooting step.
Fix Brother Printer Offline Error:
It can work if a printer spooler settings has caused the printer offline error. If this does not help, contact our tech support team to Fix Brother Printer Offline error on Windows 7.
Press Windows and keys to launch Run In that dialog box, type services.mSc and press Enter.
In the new window showing the list of Windows Services, scroll down and find Print Spooler. Double-click on that to manage print jobs.

·         If spooler start up is set as Manual, then click on the drop-down menu to change it.

·         Now, click on Start button and wait until Windows starts the spooler service. Once it completes, click Apply button and confirm the changes.
If these steps doesn’t work then you should move on to the next troubleshooting step which are given below:
·         Press Windows key, and choose Devices and Printers from the Start Menu.

·         Right-click on the printer and select See what’s printing from the pop-up menu.

If your printer keeps going offline despite trying all these solutions, get in touch with our technical support team to troubleshoot the issue. Call us on our toll-free number which are given below: USA/Canada: (+1) 8884800288 & UK: + (44) 800 041-8324

1 comment:

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